The walls, floor, and low ceiling of this moss-covered catacomb in the north are hewn from crooked soapstone blocks lined with alcoves. Urns, ossuaries, and small chests gather dust in the alcoves.

In the southern cave, a mute hooded skeleton wearing a crimson blindfold plays a discordant tune on a bone
organ, the sound shaking dust from the catacomb ceiling. In the same cave is a black marble sarcophagus inlaid with Abyssal glyphs.

To the west, a crumbling marble archway frames a rotting wooden dock that overlooks an underground river. The river is thick with black foam and reeks of offal. A charonademon – a hooded skeletal boatman – approaches in a large brass canoe.
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ReplyDeleteNettle will float into the room, eager with the promise of reward. Heading first toward the north end of the cavern, he searches for hazards and magical auras along the way and around the urns and chests in the many alcoves.
Arcana +13
Perception +9
OOC: Thanks for the patience guys! You're going to need it again soon, too, as I'll be out again from Friday night to Sunday morning going to an out-of-town wedding.
A close examination reveals a veritable treasure hoard! Almost all of the urns are open and easily examined. Most of the urns are packed to the brim with coins of precious metals. Thou also finds several magical auras present in the northern alcove. From seven wide-mouthed clay jars reside the magical treasures described above (see updated images). Lastly, the corner of the chamber holds:
* A complete set of silverware in twelve place settings. Each of the two knives, three spoons, and five forks in each setting is adorned with a black pearl.
* A human skeleton plated with gold and adorned with rubies.
* A small statue of Asmodeus carved from celestial gold and decorated with astral diamonds.
* A bloodred dress woven of silk and adorned with black lace.
* A gold bracelet etched with flames and set with a black pearl.
* A fine flute crafted from a unicorn horn.
OOC: The extra "Marauder Treasure" is already included.
DeleteOOC: To clarify, were the auras just on the magical treasure only?
DeleteThe northern alcove had magical auras on ONLY the seven treasures. Nettle finds trace remains of charred gall bladder and grave dirt leading towards the southern chamber, indicative of a Necromancy spell.
DeleteOOC: Alright boys, time to shake off the hangover and get back to some delving!!!
ReplyDeleteNettle will grab the Succubus Perfume, as well as the flute, pausing to say a silent prayer for the unicorn who likely gave his life for it.
ReplyDeleteHe will then float along the trail of the necromantic offal, eyes peeled for hazards.
Move towards south chamber, pausing if I discover any traps or magical auras.
Arcana +13
Perception +9
DeleteThou finds no hint of danger, and so proceed further into the chamber. The blindfolded skeleton continue to play its dirge, as thou carefully inspects the black sarcophagus from afar. This magnificent object has the power to restore, completely and in all ways restore including for tournament scoring purposes, the spirit of a fallen comrade to its lifeless corpse.
To do so, a price must be paid, for this is dark arts and black magic. The restored dungeoneer comes back with 5 Blight and all current allies receive 1 Blight.
[TECH] Arcana (10)+13, Perception (1)+9
While his companions discuss the loot, Kaddim walks over to inspect the dock, and wait for the boatman to dock. "hail boatman, does thou have a name? I am Kaddim, servant of the storms. May i inquire as to where your boat leads? We may not be ready to depart as yet, we have unfinished business elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteOOC: diplomacy +2 just in case...
DeleteThou approaches the boatman respectfully, and with much grace make your greeting. The creature turns its hooded face towards you and silently presents you its upturned palm.
[TECH] Diplomacy (13)+2
Nettle will back away from the south chamber and the powerful necromantic magic, nod at his companions and fall into line as they assume standard order and head back to the Ashen Ambulatory to examine the Ochre Portal.
ReplyDeleteBoom! The dungeoneers haul back to the ASHEN AMBULATORY without incident.
DeleteLord Xann and Oros return to the reliquary and approach the rotting dock, in hopes the charonademon is still there.
ReplyDeleteAfter much time, the dungeoneers return to the CATACOMB RELIQUARY.
ReplyDeleteThere, waiting by the docks with eternal vigilance, stands the Charnodemon Boatman.
Lord Xann approaches the skeletal boatman. Straightening his back, the warlord addresses the demon "Hail, boatman. Me and my men require passage."
ReplyDeleteAs before, the boatman turns to face you and extends his hand, palm facing up.
DeleteBrand walks up to he boatman "A coin for my safe passage, Boatman", and places a gold coin into the man's outstretched hand
ReplyDeleteTurning to his comrades and nodding to them before stepping on to the boat
"pay the man his due brothers, we want no trouble here"
The golden disc plummets clear through the boatman's hand, as if it wasn't there at all, rattling across the stony ground. The charnodemon's head gently shakes left to right.
DeleteIn a moment of frustration as the coin clangs on the floorboards of the boat, Brand mutters to himself "well that was rude", before backing away.
DeleteHe then goes to inspect the coins and other trinkets in the urns to see if they are any different from his own.
ooc: does each silverware piece have a black pearl in them, or is the setting adorned around a single black pearl?
Each one has a black pearl.
DeleteStumped, Nettle will sit down on the ground and take out the items he's been collecting. He will then examine them for magical auras, and also see if the name Khaldun jogs his memory at all.
Arcana on the planets and the heart, +13
History on Khaldun, +13
OOC: This probably won't be helpful, but I've been meaning to do it for a while...
DeleteKhaldun was a tiefling historiographer, philosopher, and historian who is often viewed as one of the fathers of modern historiography. He is best known for his book 'Prolegomenon', which was discovered, evaluated and fully appreciated first by Human scholars over 1,000 years after his death. His theories have been used to analyze the growth and decline of ancient empires, notably his contemporary Bael Turath and Arkhosia. Later Nerathi scholars recognized him as one of the greatest philosophers to come out of the Age of Heroes.
Both the heart and all the planets are guarded by a paragon-tier casting of Nystul's Magical Aura, obfuscating their properties.
[TECH] Arcana (18)+13, History (2)+13
Recalling that there are coins of various precious metals in this room, Nettle will go and have a look to see what kinds there are.
ReplyDeleteThou finds 100 different golden coins from 100 different lost empires on worlds far distant and forgotten.
DeleteOOC: Just gold? No other metals?
DeleteOOC: Yes.
DeleteNettle will search his memory for any knowledge about the charonademon.
DeleteHistory +13
DeleteThe boatman requires a payment, once per trip, before he will allow any to board his ferry. The payment covers the whole boat, no matter the number of passengers. Neither coin nor any mundane form of wealth will be sufficient.
[TECH] History (11)+13
A thought crosses Kaddish mind as the others try in vain to appease the Boatman. He strides onto the dock, a cocky smile on his blue tinted face. "Don't spend it all in one place pal". He drops a small blue vial onto the batmans hand, while simulateously cupping his other hand below in case it falls through.
ReplyDeleteOOC: I'll give up my alchemists essence, a lvl 6 consumable magic item. Assuming hats what the boatman requires.
*kaddims mind....damn autocorrects...
ReplyDeleteThe vial of enchanted fluid falls softly into the charnodemon's hands. The boatman raises his head up, eyes locked on Kaddim, and gently shakes it up and down. The magic potion disintegrates into a handful of sparkling, golden sand that is sprinkled across the canoe. The charnodemon beckons the party on board and whisks them away down the frothing underground river. Rapids and swirling eddies are passed by. After a short while, the boat is stopped at an intersection of many different subterranean passageways. The boatman looks to them one at a time, puzzled, unsure. He turns to the party for guidance, but they can offer him none. Resigned, the boatman continues the trek and safely brings the dungeoneers to the entrance of the CHAOS MAZE.
OOC: Man, too bad no one was carrying around any disposable magic items, cloaks for example, that had been rendered worthless due to a better item via Treasure Cards.