The following is intended for the play-by-post delve of SND-02: Fane of the Heresiarch.
Vitals + Rumors + Crusaders + Score + Watchtower + Bleak Seminary + Confessional + Black Cathedral + Ashen Ambulatory + Pleasure Crypts + Catacomb Reliquary + Death Wyverns' Crucible + Prison of Frozen Gods + Observatory + Gauntlet of Walls + Blighted Grove + Chaos Maze + Mothers' Cloister
Azure velvet tapestries dangle from the smooth grey stone of this large chamber. Ivy and violet flowers cling to the walls. Each tapestry depicts a pair of ghostly lovers chasing one another around a trident.
Rays of smoky crimson light filter down through skylights in the vaulted ceiling high above.
A 10 ft. high tier inlaid with baroque patterns rises along the north and east walls, its golden-railed balcony overlooking a grove of dead trees in the center of the chamber from which shrunken heads grow like fruit.
Grove of Dead Trees: Shrunken humanoid heads dangle from the bare black limbs of the trees. Thou may enter a tree’s space (difficult terrain) to gain cover.
A creature adjacent to or in a tree’s space can eat one of the shrunken heads as a minor action. Doing so grants that creature 5 temporary hit points.
A tower-like structure from a 50 ft. pit in the center of the room. A glistening gold sarcophagus is visible between the crenellations that line the structure.
The air is heavy with the stink of perfume and fornication.
Two sets of heavy iron doors – one leading west and one leading north – bear spiked pull rings and are embossed with the image of a succubus embracing an armored tiefling skeleton wrapped in broken chainmail.
The doors are not locked but are very heavy, requiring a standard action to open or close.
The succubus on the door is in fact a recent modification; there is evidence that the original image depicted a medusa.
Soft footfalls echo off the chalky stone stairs. Thy cloak pulled up close to thy face, thy eyes scanning the room for prey.
Across to thy right, a radiant image. Past the 50 ft. pit, thou sees a 10 ft. tall woman's face hewn from brilliant ruby set into the northeast corner of this golden tier. Recalling your brief conversations from elsewhere in the Fane, thou recognizes that it has been carved in the likeness of Lahamu, Bride of the Heresiarch.

Wordlessly, she raises her sinister hand and beckons.
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image by Jon Green |
Beyond the double doors lies a charnel chamber containing eight decrepit sarcophagi. The lid of each sarcophagus in the two small crypts has been etched with two sets of four symbols. The crypts are watched over by a 10 ft. tall black marble statue of the bat-winged Sorrow Nimbus.
ReplyDeleteBuzzes up to square J9, huddled in the corner.
A leather-booted heel turns quickly and Mikhail launches himself to the rescue of the besieged and prone Lord Commander Xann. Long-nailed, powerful hands grab a hold of the skeletal warriors from behind, trying to push and claw his way in.
[TECH] OA: (15) and (5) and (16) +12 vs. AC 24; two hits for 14 damage total
Cleave: (9)+11 vs. AC 23; Miss!
OOC: Waiting on Lord Xann now.
Lord Xann stands up and attempts to hack at one of the skeletons surrounding the beleaguered warlord.
Move Action: stand up
Minor Action: draw longsword
Standard Action: melee basic attack against the skeleton at N7
+11 vs. Ac
Hit: 1d8+5
ReplyDeleteLord Xann rises from the ashes of his failure. The sharp tip of his blade finds home, impaling a skeletal warrior square in the forehead, shattering bone. A heap of powdery ash and rusting iron is all that remains of the once-dire threat.
[TECH] (18)+11 vs. AC 23
Kaddim chokes on his own blood and has his soul slowly drawn from the flesh.
[TECH] Death Save (1) ouch!; takes 1 Blight and -2 Will for a round; Wis Check v. Blind DC 15 (18)+4
[TECH] Death Save (11)
Enraged, Sorrow Nimbus screeches out and grabs a hold of Oros' face. Her sharpened fingernails, talons really, dig into the back of his muscled neck. Sorrow Nimbus lunges in, locking lips with the primitive warrior. Trapped in this infernal embrace, Oros' veins darken and his eyes whiten, his very will to live being sucked out.
"Go now, my savage prince, and slay my enemies."
With that out of the way, Sorrow Nimbus then blasts Mikhail with a bolt of holy lightning.
[TECH] (5)+2 damage from Mikhail's stance
Stand; Soul-Stealing Kiss (11 again)+12 vs. Will 19 -2 {aura}, for 30 psychic damage, slide 6, and basic attack against Lord Xann: (1)+13 vs. AC 22; fuck
10 radiant & lightning damage to Mikhail
Another volley is loosed, this time putting the buzzing Nettle under the blade FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. The boon of Lahamu is thankfully still with him, shielding his soft, delicate features from any unseemly scarring.
Lord Xann, meanwhile, holds off the wave of soldiers, beating back the phalanx with sword and shield! Mikhail takes this opportunity to relentlessly destroy the back lines, crushing bone into dust.
[TECH] A bunch die from Mikhail's aura
3 thrown javelins at Nettle: (3) and (20) and (12) +12 vs. AC 23; for (14)+(7) damage
3 javelins at Xann: (13) and (12) and (3) +12 vs. AC 24; for (7)+(7) damage
Shamble, shamble, shamble.
[TECH] double run
Map updated, vitals updated.
Mikhail, Oros, Xann, and Nettle may now go!
Mikhail's purple flesh is still steaming from Sorrow Nimbus' blast of lightning as he turns and shoots her the most threatening stare. He cracks his knuckles and attempts to leap from the balcony, one hand clenched in a fist ready to strangle the shit out of her (grab her head) as the other hand grabs a shrunken head.
Move to N13, provoke one OA from skeleton in O8. Athletics +12 to leap from balcony.
Minor action, eat a head.
Standard: "Strangling Strike" +11 vs. AC (Use Heroic effort if I miss within 4) on hit, 1d8+5 damage and the target is grabbed until EomNT.
With this last gasp, Mikhail soars through the air and crashes into the trees. His clawed hand grabs the leather straps holding black steel greaves onto Sorrow Nimbus' well-toned legs, yanking her down to the ground so that he may snap into her neck and finally put her to an end!
[TECH] Athletics (17)+12
Despite the phenomenal horizontal distance covered, you're still falling 10 ft. Mikhail is untrained in Acrobatics (Fighter & no Themes, what can I say?) and takes (1) damage and is knocked prone.
(10)+11 -2 {prone} vs. AC 23; unsurprisingly, a miss; but Heroic Effort is JUST ENOUGH to get the hit, for (1)+5 damage
Mikhail munches the shrunken head in celebration of snapping the wenches neck.
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ReplyDeleteAs Sorrow Nimbus hits the ground the fog of confusion clears from Oros' mind. Seeing his allies in immediate danger he brings his brutal axes to bear on the skeletons.
Move: Shift to O9
Standard: Melee Basic attack on the skeleton in 08 (+13+2CA d10+9) if I hit free action dual weapon attack on the skeleton in Q9 (+13 d10+7) using heroic effort if necessary for either attack as available.
DeleteBlades flash in the torch-fires and all are brought low before Oros' might!
Dual Weapon: (10)+13 vs. AC 23; DOUBLE KILL!!!
Relieved at the sign of his murderous compatriot's clearing senses, Lord Xann Stormbringer II picks up his bow and takes a step back. The battered warlord leans over and takes a moment to cough up some blood.
Free Action: drop longsword
Minor Action: pick up greatbow
Move Action: shift to N7
Standard Action: Second Wind
With the immediate threat of the vile succubus mitigated, Nettle finally has a chance to rescue the first of his fallen allies. His wings have never-before moved so quickly as he zooms into the pit after Brand.
Move: Run-Fly to R11 moving diagonally down to the floor level as I go (3 OAs with CA).
Move: Run-Fly to U11, moving 8 squares down. (so 10 feet of falling damage, mitigated by flying?)
Minor: Majestic Word on Brand.
DeleteThe flap of furiously flocking wings fans the fuming air and a familiar fey felon falls to his forgotten friend!
[TECH] (16) and (6) and (4) +12 +2 {CA} vs. AC 23 for (7) damage
fall for 5 damage and prone
Brand heals (4)+4+ HP
Waiting now on the triumphant return of Brand!!!
OOC: 4 +4 +healing surge value?
DeleteOOC: Whoops, I jotted that correctly on my excel sheet but forgot to type it out here. Brand is at 23 HP altogether.
DeleteOOC: I figured you had it right, just wanted to make sure :)
DeleteOOC: also, as per his second wind, Xann should now be at 22 hitpoints.
DeleteThe flames re-igniting in his eyes, Brand stands up, calling his sword to his hand again, and starts to climb out of the pit.
Move: Stand up in Z13
Standard -> Move: Start climbing in Y13
Athletics +8
ReplyDelete[TECH] (18)+8 +2 {climber's kit} vs. DC 15
[TECH] Death Save (16)
Hack and slash.
[TECH] Xann: (9) and (8)+12 +2 {flank} vs. AC 22, for (7)+(7) damage
Xann: (13) +12 vs AC 22; for (7) damage. It's no fun 'til you're at 1.
Oros: (9)+12 +1 {charge} vs. AC 22; for (7) damage
Bestows a curse upon he House of Mikhail.
[TECH] Cursed: Until the Death Knight is defeated, every time Mikhail attacks he takes 5 necrotic damage.
Rotting Grab: (3)+11 vs. Fortitude
OOC: The encounter is now over. The few remaining skeletons are easily defeated, you guys have a round to burn without worrying about anyone dying from failed death saves, and given the humongous size of this room, it is quite easy to 'kite' the mummy to a tedious demise.
ReplyDeleteUnless anyone has any objections, I will start the bookkeeping of healing you all via Nettle's Majestic Word. I'll do all the rolling and spend surges until everyone is within 10 hp of max, and then you can tell me if you want to 'top off' or not.
Sounds good to me! (man, I can't believe we all survived that)
DeleteEffing eh! Gather round ye weary travelers and absorb Nettle's majesty...
DeleteOnce revived, Kaddim takes stock of the area, glad to be alive and glad to see the body of Sorrow Nimbus crumpled under the trees of shrunken heads. "We all alive?...or mostly?" as he turns to Mikhil. He then heads off to investigate the room past the stone doors where the skeleton legionnaires came from.
As we're outta combat..lets see whats behind those open doors! Treasure, traps, puzzle that would have made this combat easier?
DeleteBeyond the double doors lies a charnel chamber containing eight decrepit sarcophagi. The lid of each sarcophagus in the two small crypts has been etched with two sets of four symbols (see new image above). The crypts are watched over by a 10 ft. tall black marble statue of the bat-winged Sorrow Nimbus.
Kaddim casts detect magic on the traps, and also furrows his brow trying to make sense of the symbols.
DeleteOOC: arcana/ history +13 and dungeoneering +11 on the sarcophagi.
Anyone else want to check for traps?
DeleteThe sarcophagi hold the tormented spirits of the accumulated lovers of the Heresiarch, from many long years of existence. All have been spurned and discarded, tucked away in this crypt. One of the lovers, however, was a doppelganger servant who tricked the Heresiach and sacrificed herself rather than let her mistress be imprisoned in such a horrible way.
[TECH] (20)+13 History
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ReplyDeleteOOC: Scratch that.
ReplyDeleteNettle will have a look at the loot of the fallen enemies with an eye for magical auras.
Arcana +13
None found.
DeleteAny discerning features, or items of value?
DeleteHistory +13
Sorrow Nimbus wears ornate, but mundane, blackened steel plate armor and spiked gauntlets. Her thorn whip immediately starts to dry out and turn brown and brittle upon her death.
DeleteThe Handmaidens had no gear whatsoever, not even clothing, and decay into a pile of putrefied mulch upon their death.
The Skeletal Legionaries equipment would be, no doubt, an absolutely fascinating find for an archaeologist as they wield the weapons and armaments made over a millennium ago. For that very same reason, however, the rusting equipment is pretty much worthless to yous guys at this very moment.
Lastly, the mummified Death Knight was not entombed with any armor, and the staff and rod are mundane sandalwood implements.
Mikhail grabs a handful of dead Sorrow Nimbus' hair and gives it a glorious sniff as he saws her head off at the collar bone with an already blood-dripping rapier. When complete he links the blood off the blade like a Popsicle.
ReplyDeleteBrand will inspect the Sarcophagus as well as the general area atop the platform.
ReplyDeleteIf nothing, then will inspect the red highlighted area in cc, dd 6
Perception +5
Arcana +13
DeleteThou finds that the sarcophagi lids are heavy, but are not locked or latched in any way. With your strength, it might take a little effort, but you could slide the lids off.
The giant carved ruby in the shape of a face holds no flaws or imperfections. Stunning. Breath-taking.
Of course, thou art not so much a connoisseur of such things.
[TECH] Perception (3)+5
Nettle will have a gander at the ruby as well, in an attempt to appraise it's value and see if there is anything hidden within or behind it.
DeletePerecption +9
Arcana +13
Dungeoneering +13
DeleteThy vision is clouded in blood and battle, seeing naught.
[TECH]Perception (1)+9; Arcana (2)+13; Dungeoneering (8)+13
Relieved that the battle is over Oros cleans the gore of his axe blades and wanders over to Nettle and Brand to see what has them so confused.
check the ruby out for any hidden mechanisms or anything that might indicate it is anything but a plain ruby
perception +11, dungeoneering +11, thievery +15
DeleteThine eyes spy a hairline fracture in the ruby face, running just above the jawline and bisecting the lips.
Dost thou touch it?
[TECH] Dungeoneering or Perception (16)+11
Oros will gingerly try to open the ruby.
DeleteOOC: Please give a hair more detail, so that I may figure out which skill check is most appropriate.
DeleteOros pulls his kit of small tools from his side and pulls out his smallest pick and attempts to pry open the ruby ready to give up at the first sign that he might damage it.
Thievery +15
OOC: No probs!
The hairline crack is simply too daunting for Oros, despite his incredible skill.
[TECH] Thievery (3)+15
Do we need to be trained in Thievery to assist him?
DeleteOOC: No training needed. It's a DC 15 check to assist, with a failure giving a -2 penalty and a success giving a +2 bonus. Also, you need to fluff it to make sense. No button smashing, you guys really need to use your heads.
DeleteButton smashing isn't working and that's all we're good at...
DeleteI just can't get the dragon punch to work...
DeleteSeeing his comrades begin to fuss over the ruby, Brand will take his rope out, and loop it around the tree in Q12. Grabbing each side of the rope and wrapping it around his hands (no knots / thievery!...maybe some rope burn), Brand slowly lets himself back down into the pit. When he gets down there (one way or the other really...), Brand will scan the area for anything that seems like it needs a closer look
ReplyDeleteAthletics +8 or endurance +13 to maintain a grip during the descent(?)
Perception +5 to scope out the bottom of the pit. Anyone/anything else down there?
ReplyDeleteIn fact, thou sees a small hidden cave at the bottom of the pit, situated directed beneath the northern span of the golden tier. Inside is a copper rod embedded into a switch mechanism.
The copper rod points up.
[TECH] Holy fuck, Perception (20)+5
No check needed for the spelunking aspect of things.
Brand will pull the lever down (like a boss!)
Delete...and then brace himself against the cave walls in case the floor falls out from under him...
DeleteThe copper rod descends with some effort and clanking of gears on steel teeth. Fully down, thou sees no sign of trouble or boon. Disappointing.
No, it's not fucking disappointing. From above, thine allies call to you to describe what they see.
The ruby face pulls apart in two different directions, the jaw descending and the upper face ascending. It splits apart to reveal a smooth, concave nook (about 2 ft. in diameter). At the inside top of the nook, there is a 2-inch square hole leading up to an unknown depth.
(Keeping previous rolls) The nook is linked to a teleportation spell.
Nettle will fly to R11, and prepare to fly in and use his pixie duse on Brand.
DeleteBrand flies/climbs out, no probs.
With his ally safe, Nettle will examine the sarcophagi to see if there are magical auras. He will also consider whether the symbols and their arrangement are familiar to him.
Arcana, History, Religion +13
Perception +9
What you see is what you get.
DeleteWith no magical auras or signs of traps at play, Brand will begin sliding off the tops of the Sarcophagi one by one, and inspecting each of their contents alongside Nettle
ReplyDeletePerception +5, Athletics +8 if it's needed
Nettle is going to back away from the sarcophagi.
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ReplyDeleteWith a powerful SPARTA KICK, Brand shows these guys how to do it! The sarcophagus lid #1 is kicked straight off, the stone lid shattering on impact with the floor. "HOO-AH!!!"
... but then a cloud of burning dread wraiths filled with the torment and hatred of 1,000 centuries of love spurned and trod upon attacks. You are seared!
[TECH] against Brand: (8)+11 vs. Reflex 19; for 25 fire and necrotic damage
Seeing Brand attacked yet surviving the cloud of wraiths, and really, not looking much worse for wear, Kaddim strides back into the room and chuckles..."Brand, you have to open the sarcophagus with love, not hate. Hate leads to suffering, suffering leads to wraiths....". With that, the maiden-scarred shi'ar lifts the lid of the sarcophagus next to him.
Ya know what, I', opening sarcophagus #7..come on lucky #7! Let's see if Nettle was right.
Wisely, the thou opens the Seventh Sarcophagus. Inside, a dread wraith swirls into being from gossamer strands of shadows. It points a bony finger toward the northeast, nods to you, and then departs.
ReplyDeleteInside this sarcophagus is revealed to reside a horde of a dozen treasures! Additionally, thy cowering allies inform that a corroded iron chain has lowered from the square hole in the ruby mouth.
OOC: Congratulations! See images above for the twelve treasures, and please excuse Blogger's shitty image formatting system. Please tell me whom is carrying what. For everyone's enjoyment, I also ask that you don't get TOO wrapped up in any tedious discussions.
OOC: Added NIMBUS OF WARDING to the treasure hoard to account for Kaddim's Marauding.
ReplyDeleteOOC: Per emails, it sounds as though the dungeoneers have agreed on the distribution of loot. So, for now, that has been reflected on the Vitals page, as well as Brand using a healing surge (with Nettle's help) to recover from teh burning wraith attack.
ReplyDeleteLord Xann will also take the opportunity to drink from the Chalice of Recovery (before he's too dead to use it).
DeleteWhile the group discuses how to diivde the loot, Kaddim wanders through the grove of blakcened trees counting The number of shrunken heads, wondering if he should trust the word of lord Xann, the cannibal.
ReplyDeleteOOC: many shrunken heads are there on these seven trees? Also, do we know if they keep if we choose not to eat them now but pack ourselves a lunch?
DeleteEach tree bears but a single fruit, meaning a net of six available shrunken heads. When plucked, the black blood preserving the heads quickly drips out and dries up, negating its beneficial properties within a few moments.
OOC: Will their benefits stack with each other?
DeleteOOC: then Kaddim will consume a single head. He will also take note to work on developing some sort of "preserving box" to prevent such waste in the future. Will have to discuss this further with the marid Riyadh...he is well versed in ice magicks.
DeleteOOC @ BFlatt: Temporary hp does not stack.
DeleteOOC: Thanks.
DeleteNettle will also consume a head before falling into line as the party moves on.
Ooc: also, if no one stops him, Kaddim will pull the chain which dropped from the ruby face of lahamu. The circumstances of its appearance suggest it will benefit our group in some way.
DeleteThou hears a distant bell toll, the sound ringing through the open ceiling above. Then, a loud gurgling sound is heard below and the deep pit is quickly filled with a rushing torrent of green-yellow acidic ghoul bile. After a short while, the entire pit is filled to the height of the lower floor and is now producing a horrid stench as you look upon a 50 ft. wide pool of toxic vomit.
Lastly, flames race across the inside of the smooth ruby face nook, spelling out a message: ‘A DRAIN HAS OPENED IN THE DEATH WYVERN’S CRUCIBLE.’
OOC: Huzzah!
ReplyDeleteMikhail takes a deep sniff and exclaims, "I love the smell of ghoul bile in the morning." He then laces Sorrow Nimbus's head round his belt by tying her hair to it, and will lead the party back to the Black Cathedral permitting they don't encounter any hindrances on the way.
Lord Xann will messily consume one of the shrunken heads with a disturbing satisfaction before following Mikhail to the Black Cathedral.